I am always eager to supervise students. Do not hesitate to write: jerome.daquin@unamur.be
"Que des numéros 10 dans ma team"
Postdoctoral researcher
(2022-2024) Dr. Matteo Romano, BEWARE postdoctoral fellow, WAL-SAT (WALlonia Space Awareness Technology). Co supervision with Prof. Timoteo Carletti.
Graduate student
Feb. 25 - present. Tristan De Cnyf, Master thesis in Mathematics, Recurrence quantification analysis with applications to Plankton time-series. (in progress).
- (2024) Luca Perfetti, Politecnico di Milano, Master Thesis in Space Engineering, Selection strategies of resident space objects for active debris removal missions through the resident space object network. Co-supervision with Prof. Camilla Colombo and Dr. Matteo Romano.
(2023) Goulven Perhirin, ESTACA, Master 2 thesis, Astrodynamics for space traffic management.
(2022) Gabriel Mouttapa, ENSTA ParisTech, Research Internship. Lagrangian descriptors in the vicinity of separatrices.
(2021) Rémi Pédénon-Orlanducci, ENSTA ParisTech, Master I thesis. Lagrangian descriptors: detection of separatrices, manifolds, resonant structures and chaos.
(2019) Matthieu Durroyon, ENSTA ParisTech, Master I thesis. The autocorrelation function as a dynamical chaos indicator.
Undergraduate student
Feb. 25 - June 25. Gaspard Bryon, The autocorrelation function for chaos detection (in progress). Co-supervision with Prof. Anne-Sophie Libert.